el telf

Thursday, November 27
It's been a long time . . .

Thursday, February 27
I like Meg's 'liaison' post. I had the same reaction when I used to get the odd letter from a sales rep addressing me as Mr Sutch and saying how pleased they had been to meet me . . .

Wednesday, February 26
I was sad to read Christopher Hill's obituary today. I met him when we were working on "The Sea Green Man", and I was doing some background research on the Levellers and the English radicals in the seventeenth century. Back in the 1980s it took days to order the references from the British Library, but delightful now to find a lot of those pamphlets on the web - England's Standard, the Agreement of the People. It all came as a revelation to me back then, but there is some recognition of the debates here now - I went with Patrick down to St Mary's Church to hear Tony Benn speaking on the debates some years ago. I was looking for a picture of Hill and found this lecture on Winstanley. They were all amazing men - John Lilburn, William Walwyn, Thomas Prince and Richard Overton.

Saturday, February 15
I have just spent what feels like hours searching for a reference to Jill Walkers' paper on Personal publication as a research tool, so here it is; it is listed at the end of her handy list of Research Blogs. Am getting ready for a session for MA students this afternoon, but would very much like to be on the march in London instead. Think I will regret not being there.

Saturday, February 8
Janer has passed me the February issue of CILIP 'update' which includes articles on e-learning and webct - in particular student perceptions of e-learning which are often in conflict with those of the universities. References there to see Students' frustrations with a web based distance education course (Noriko Hara and Rob Kling). Also useful examples of e-assessment and a webct course at City University (log on with username: gueststudent and password: mgi2001).

Thursday, February 6
Have set up a web-log for one of the courses - Issues and Concerns - that needs students to look at media coverage of Early Years issues. Am hoping that it could develop into a long term collaborative project. Who knows?

Wednesday, February 5
I have been digging around for writing around the academic use of electronic discussion lists, and have put a page of on-line discussion: resources and references together. Though am not sure how much further this will get me in encouraging people to use the web to interact and communicate and with the enthusiasm that I feel! In the process, I came across Chris Jennings' Page to Screen which includes some excellent things - Islomania and, more prosaic but v useful, a link to Philip Greenspun's Converting from Microsoft Word to HTML.